I did not have time to go futher in regards to Indusrial design and environments, I did alot of brainstorming for the under sea " DEEP" Theme and thought heck why not throw them on the site...so lol excuse the illegible writting, I was not originally planning for anyone else to be seeing these :b
Power of imagination in your illustrations.
Visionary taste very well!
You are great
See you soon
Que talento!...
Wow nice sketches! Love the ideas behind most of these! :)
Do you attend school?
nice designs here. keep it up
I like the energy of the first picture, he has a cool pose, and a wacky kind of creature feel.
Belíssimas ilustrações, virei seu fã!!!
Whoa... You`re great man...
I like your concepts and your character design, great work!
I really really enjoy rough concept art, these images are excellent and really look like they will turn out to be an interesting functional concept.
Wow! You drawing machine! Nice concept sketches, nice to see so much effort going into development :)
Your conceps are really cool!! I like your style!
Great designs Lorraine, really love the second concept.
Very cool works!
no había visto su trabajo, pero sé que de ahora en adelante yo siempre aquí! Sus diseños son hermosos y encantadores estilo!
Me encanta la charcters diseños y el vestuario de estos, porque el amor trabajando para crear personajes de diferentes estilos!
Por favor, vuelve a menudo!
ainda não tinha visto seus trabalhos, mas sei que a partir de agora passarei sempre por aqui! Seus desenhos são lindos e de estilo encantador!
Adorei os charcters designs e o figurino destes, pois gosto muito de trabalhar a criação de personagens de vários estilos!
Por favor, volte sempre!
Me encanta tu blog!!
Que pasada, me he quedado flipadísima!
Un saludo!!
Amazing characters! Your work is fantastic!
Ah, thanks for your comments on my blog!
I was looking through your blog and I loved your sense of mass and volume! They are feel very fleshy (if that is a word). Nice stuff.
thanks man. great work here.:)
Agradeço a visita ao meu blog!
Adorei seu trabalho!
Voltarei mais vezes!
Espectaculares trabajos en tu blog, sobre todo los sketchs, tienen mucha fuerza.
Gran trabajo!.. y bueno, la verdad es que todas esas anotaciones son más que necesarias para poder realizar la idea.. gran trabajo!.. y espero que me entiendas en español.. si no es así, dime..
PD: Y no es el antes y el después.. es la foto de la víctima y el dibujo que hago.. =)
Increible!!. Tu trabajo es realmente espectacular. Los sketchs tienen mucha personalidad.
Gracias Todos!! Thanks again everyone for such encouraging comments, gives me more motivation (:
antony jones: I went to school for traditional and 3D animation but my venture into concept art for games is self taught!
bog art: yes oh I just realized my comment was badly worded lol!!!
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