I´m going to be doing alot of character design sketches, just draw anything and everything...practise some anatomy. So I will throw alot of this progress on the site. I might also go into a bit of Industrial design too.
Oookay so here are some sketches I threw out yesterday! take care everyone!! Keep drawing (:

glad you can post again! nice work on these sketches, like the colour work on them too.
your works are amazing!
Thanks for visiting my blog...
Awesome Art! Great sense of design and beautiful line work!
wonderful stuff!!
thanks for you comment though ;)
Stunning work! Very inspiring! Plus, the blog is so well put together!
Hey Lorraine! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. The Hillary painting was a personal piece. My little adventure into the political realm.
You have some really nice work here and I’ll be looking in on you for time, thank you again!
Awesome sketches! I love the one of the woman with the slanted hat - your costume design on that one is superb!
THese are great!
Thanks for swingin' by my blog. Nice sketches here. I especially like the pencil drawing. Cool creature.
So many good artists on the net ^_^ Thankyou for the comments!
buenas dias loraine, muchas gracias por la tua visita en el mio blog.
el tuo lavoro me gusta mucho, i me gusta como usi el colore.
disculpame por el mi espanolo..
Beautiful concept art!
Your sketches are fabulous!
Muchas gracias por pasarte por " el Angel"...Mis saludos y felicitaciones para ti, tienes unos conceptos y personajes fantasticos.
Espero ver mas cosas!
Sweet blog. You have an incredible talent, no doubt. I especially like your domesticated brute, and the armor (below this post). But all your designs inspire. Can't wait to see more.
Thanks Lorraine for the complement. You have some nice work yourself!
thanks for stop'n by my blog not too long ago. very cool blog you've got. keep the creativity flowing.
Your sketches are majestic. Love them. I'll come here again soon!
Hey Lorraine, thanks for commenting in my blog. I love your character and creature design, reminds me a bit of Final Fantasy series (which i love). har har.
Looking forward to see more stuff from you.
Wow, what fantastic art work! You're extremely talented. Great style and characters thoughout your blog.
thanks for the comment!!
you are also really very good!!
cool character designs- cant wait to see more!! cheers!
Awesome Characters sketches you really have,keep up the great stuff, Lorraine
Thank you alot brother for the kind words on my blog hehe
Wonderful designs! And thank you for the kind words on my blog!
woooo tu trabajo es fantastico!! ^^
Very nice!
Thanks for the comment.
Amazing stuff here.Great characters!
Guys Thankx for the visit!!!
Hey Lorraine , tnx for the comment :D
I see u have great stuffs also , very
interesting pieces ...
So just keep drawing , i will stop by sometimes :D
Hvala jos jednom !
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