Hi all, so I sketched this out the other day, kind of came to me on a whim, you know when the image just hits you....lol...anyways started out as a sandstorm but added the rain for extra drama(:
Hoping to browse and check out some cool stuff & what everyone is up to!
Hola Lorraine!.. como estás? It is great to see all your new work!.. Congratulations for your girls project and thanks for the links.. see you around girl.. =D
Love using my imagination TO INSPIRE AND BE INSPIRED ((:
This blog is basically my humble little artistic journey into Concept art for games and film.
warning: The Sample Illustrations on this website are the properties of Lorraine A D Alvarez. It is forbidden to dowload, copy, distribute and/or reproduce and of these images without the express permission of the Copyright Holder.
Cool! And yes, very dramatic also. :)
That is quite awesome.
Lovely work!!
Lindo...simplesmente lindo!!!!
parabéns por seu trabalho!!
Amazing piece, its so epic!
wow, just.... wow!
All i can say is, Wow! Very dramatic :)
Very cool Lauraine, this is my favorite piece of yours so far! It's very dramatic.
cool stuff :)
Wow, great!
Waa! Super cool - totally epic!
Fantastic! Beautiful illustration!
Hola Lorraine!.. como estás? It is great to see all your new work!.. Congratulations for your girls project and thanks for the links.. see you around girl.. =D
cool piece work lorraine. i love the mood that you have created. :)
nice. like the mood and lighting to this one.
Thaaankyou for the lovely comments everyone!!
Woah!! your art is simply great!!
Thanks for sharing.
hello, very good your work?
Like color?
Excuse the mistakes, do not speak English ...
Beautiful work Lorraine!!!! You are awesome!!!
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