Great stuff here, really like your loose style and attention to color.
Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I am glad you found my blog, because it means I can then see your work. I'll make sure to visit again soon.
sorry i´m commented there on top but the comment was wrong at the time I was with your blog and a more open and is in its commentary that it was the pair of another blog, I am sorry, you are a great artist.
Nice concept art, your website is looking really great! i love the techincal drawing you have, it's crazy good! and thanks for the reference link, i'm gonna have to book mark it for sure.
Lorraine Hello, I found your blog by chance and I was impressed about is his great talent. This style surreal surprise to me. Congratulations, it's always good artists find its level, because I serve as inspiration and reference. Congratulations and thank you.
Thanks for your comment my friend!.. What a lovely new sketches!.. I really like the chromatic you have used.. and well, I will tell you if I know other good movie to see.. ;)
Love using my imagination TO INSPIRE AND BE INSPIRED ((:
This blog is basically my humble little artistic journey into Concept art for games and film.
warning: The Sample Illustrations on this website are the properties of Lorraine A D Alvarez. It is forbidden to dowload, copy, distribute and/or reproduce and of these images without the express permission of the Copyright Holder.
Great stuff here, really like your loose style and attention to color.
Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I am glad you found my blog, because it means I can then see your work. I'll make sure to visit again soon.
not anything special, common illustration, you need more training...bye!!!
really lovely stuff...
nice. the sake like body reminds me of medusa from clash of the titans.
Great blog,i like you art :)
ps:thank you 4 comment
wow, is beutiful^^ love!
sorry i´m commented there on top but the comment was wrong at the time I was with your blog and a more open and is in its commentary that it was the pair of another blog, I am sorry, you are a great artist.
Nice Drawing!Really great!!!
Peter, marco, c.b.canga, mimi, mirella and alex thankx for the kinds words!
John Brad: haha no worries, really! (;
super sick work!! your work is excelling!!
Nice concept art, your website is looking really great! i love the techincal drawing you have, it's crazy good! and thanks for the reference link, i'm gonna have to book mark it for sure.
great blog! great staff here!
Cool stuff! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Look forward to seeing more of your work!
Beautiful work !!! Thanks so much for those kind words much appreciated I'm loving your work as well hope all is good take care!!!!
Lorraine Hello, I found your blog by chance and I was impressed about is his great talent. This style surreal surprise to me. Congratulations, it's always good artists find its level, because I serve as inspiration and reference. Congratulations and thank you.
I love your drawings, and this one... simply caught my eye. You are a realy good artist :)
amazing sketch!
good work lada!!!
Thanks for your comment my friend!.. What a lovely new sketches!.. I really like the chromatic you have used.. and well, I will tell you if I know other good movie to see.. ;)
conceito sensacional!!
ANdre, benjatoon, oscar, linton, scorpio, alumox, leo, bog_art, saulo, thankx for the encouraging comments.
Dipesh!: Hey! Happy the link was useful. Ye aI love technical drawing heh. Thankx!
Love the style!
beautiful color and shape! like it!
nice work
fantastic sense of design... and lovely execution!!
and thanx for the morgue link!! :)
Thankx for stopping by guys!
Dintoons: your welcome (:
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