I was never thee biggest fan of Batman himself, but the art direction in the new movies and Christian Bale have changed my mind. They make him look pretty darn cool ((:
Anyways I did promise my self when I put up the sketch blog that I would only post 'sketches' but well I havnt had the time to sketch anything decent the last week or so... soo decided heck I'll throw on a few guns I did for the site (;

hey lorraine! you have got some awesome stuff here. loved the guns. are they inspired from the fishes? and also liked your character explorations. looking for some more gadgets eh!
Waaa!!! qué buenas que están todas... :)
Geniales diseños, muy buenas terminaciones...
Entre nos... creo que la Lancaster es la mejor... esa se va conmigo... ;)
Seguimos pasando
Un abrazo
great work, i really enjoy the silhouette images, reminds me of looking througth the Gears of War artbook.
nice job here. those are some kick ass guns. especially like the bottom one.
Oh wow. Those are awesome guns, Lorraine. I need to design some more. I used to design them all the time. Then I started doing more character stuff. Can't wait to see more.
Very nice work!i love it!
Yours work are fantastic!!!
I can add you to my blog? Bye :)
very impressive arms!
i love this piscture great atmosphere and details!
i will came back again!!
lorraine, Tanks for the comment on my blog.
Your work is awesome and totally unique. I've showed it to my friends and they agree that your work is organic and different. I love all the character artwork, the environments and the weapons.
I've added your blog to my feedreader so that I can se your latest updates.
BTW Shooting a gun that has a handle like that can not only hurt, it can also damage the wrist.
Try this, go pick up a cinder block. hod it as much as you can like a gun. Now imagine a sledgehammer pounding onto the front of that cinder block. What would be the easiest way to hold a gun with the same weight as this? Notice how your arms hold it. Look at your legs and how your feet are positioned.
Try applying this to your work and se if you can't come up with something that feels absolutely real.
hi, thanks for commenting in my blog. You have some great concept work! something i need to work on!
vjarumugam: thankx for the comment. Haha they were actually no inspired from fishies but I can see how anyone would think that!!
antonio: Gracias!! Estoy emprosonada que vos puede leer este font !
curtis: wow thankx!!
c.b.canga: thanks I did try make that one look mean (;
tim: lets build an entire armoury of weapons!!
e_bone: thanks for stopping by!
sicam: thankyou and... sure!!
alumox: thankyou (:
Matt: One of the most helpful comments Ive ever recieved! I used to shoot air rifles but bigger guns do need more thought, their quite a challenge! and I'm still learning. Thankyou for the encourageing words and advice their much appreciated!
francis: cant wait to see more of your work!
Build an armory, eh? You're on! I think I'll design like, some sort of space-howitzer cannon.
Great drawings!
Studi molto realistici e meravigliosi.
Fantastic work Lorraine! Great talking to you again too.
I love the guns, the texture is great, they and feel war torn. The last two are awesome.
A W E S O M E !
Your work is...
Thanks for stopping by my place!
Keep coming...
I can't stop watching your older post...HAVE FUN!
tim: haha sounds great. Thats where it all starts , with an idea.
alex and pagas: thankx for stopping by!
Erik: thankx man, yes great chatting again! Cant wait to see some of your cool 3d and compositing stuff!
Mark and Marco: thanks for the encouraging comments!
....vale, te lo he dicho todo con esta palabrita, si se puede considerar palabra XDD ...pero me has dejado impresionada ;D
por cierto, gracias por pasarte,
Nice guns!
Awesome! I really love the guns you posted!
I really love these designs!!
Very nice!!! You have come a long way Lorraine, seriously!!!! Beautiful work!!!
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