Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Random characters !

So Ive been slacking a bit on the blog lately....thats what happens when the sun starts shinning (: Seriously tho lol, Ive been quite busy. These are a few characters I've done recently, experimenting with different styles and got stuck on this one. I really enjoy it, and its a good style if you want to get ideas out quick !!!!!!! Polishing tho takes time.

Bogar Chancay has tagged/nominated me for this great game. (: All the info is in the first comment under this post! Will follow up with a link to the blogs I nominate.

Take care everyone. Keep drawing!

EDIT: Hey everyone these are the Blogs Ive TAGGED. Check them out !!!
Ice-Cream Monster Toon Cafe
A Matte Painting Journey
Peter Breese : Illustration and Design
C.B.Canga ART
Tims sketches and whatnot
Mike Swiegot - Photo Journal
Pencil Fashion

Monday, October 20, 2008

Two Ladies

So two ladies I cranked out the other day!
Summer is finally starting to come round here so thinkin I'll going out to do more sketches from life. (: Cheeers!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


So this time round thought I'd practise sketching monsters. I tried to make then scary, think I only partially succeeded haha...or maybe you tell me ? The top page is just a random.

Interested in hearing the latest news in the world of Gaming? Why not head over to:



C h e e r s g u y s !

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Hi guys! I decided to post a couple of my speedpaintings today, when I started out with these I had no clue what I was drawing , they just kinda materialized lol.

Been checking out the blogs and there is some pretty fine work out there! Keep it up (:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hey everyone! A small post this time and a link I thought I'd share.(:


Here you will find galleries of reference photos for various subjects....architecture, textures, people, etc. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Some quickies ...

Browsing blogs I'm sure alot of you have already heard of the 'Totoro Forest Project' . 200 Artists from around the globe donating to a cause to save the Sayama Forest. Hayao Miyazaki's inspiration for Totoro. Anyone who hasn't heard about it heres a link to check out some amazing artwork:

Dunno why, just felt like drawing a few ladies today (: Here they are !!

Monday, August 4, 2008

So...GUNS !

Heeey everyone! So I went to watch The Dark Knight! Loved it! I mainly went to watch Heath Ledger as the Joker and hats off he did an AMAZING job...... R.I.P ):
I was never thee biggest fan of Batman himself, but the art direction in the new movies and Christian Bale have changed my mind. They make him look pretty darn cool ((:

Anyways I did promise my self when I put up the sketch blog that I would only post 'sketches' but well I havnt had the time to sketch anything decent the last week or so... soo decided heck I'll throw on a few guns I did for the site (;

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

LADA Website Launch !

Well finally I have pushed through all the Fun Server, FTP, web building program problems to finish my official website!! Yeay:


It was my first time building a site from scratch, and I learned alot. ( : (: (:
In other news: Argentina is giving its internet an overhaul and pretty much the whole country is having problems with internet at the moment, so plez excuse the late post or replies.
Anyways a piece or two from the site:

Friday, July 4, 2008


A couple of Characters for the "DEEP" Theme...unfortunately as what usually happens with life, soon as you plan something, theres suddenly a million things to do...as they say "when it rains it pours"...I was unable to contribute too much in the end , but I had alot of fun exploring (;

I did not have time to go futher in regards to Indusrial design and environments, I did alot of brainstorming for the under sea " DEEP" Theme and thought heck why not throw them on the site...so lol excuse the illegible writting, I was not originally planning for anyone else to be seeing these :b

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Alrightie so DETOUR! went over to concept art org and saw this new competition they had up. The Theme "DEEP Sea Utopia"...the deadline, end of this month, but it involves alot of work, concepting everything, characters, industrial design, environments, creatures, even story panels...so I had to drop everything and hop to it (: Whether I will have enough time to pull everything off ....I have no idea...but shall try.

SO that said expect an ocean theme to ladasketchblog until end of June...here are a few characters I've come up with for the DEEP Sea Utopia theme so far.... I'm going for a society of lots of different species.... : : :
PS: My Argentinian passport came this week ...I'm pretty psyked about it, so had to write something (;

Friday, June 6, 2008

character designs...01

Here are two gaming characters I thought up. Their supposed to be sorta a killer duo type thing. I've drawn and rendered their character "turn-around" sheets... but I´m gonna save those for my official website once its up ^_^...might also do a full illustration if time permits.

N E Ways I read a pretty cool quote the other day & thought I´d share it:
"Learn how to learn ! Dependancy on other for knowledge supports the habit of procrastination."
--> Man has the ability to learn without instructors...in fact when we learn the art of self-education we will find, if not create opportunity to find successs beyong our wildest dreams.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Well here I am again. I havn't been able to post in a while but that will change the next few weeks, promise.

I´m going to be doing alot of character design sketches, just draw anything and everything...practise some anatomy. So I will throw alot of this progress on the site. I might also go into a bit of Industrial design too.

Oookay so here are some sketches I threw out yesterday! take care everyone!! Keep drawing (:

This was a more envolved character design...I still need to polish it off with a some xtra detailing and lighting...

Monday, May 5, 2008


Sooo getting back into more sketches. Wanted to have a bit o fun with clothing and armour ideas.
Here they are:

Saturday, April 19, 2008

speedpainting 01

Some quik environments I threw out ...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

fashion network and more...

Gotta love the Fashion network. I don't know why the Gaming studios don't hire fashion designers into the studio. Lots of clothes I saw would look better on a gaming character than a real person...hmmm...